Nepalese Heart Journal

The official journal of the Cardiac Society of Nepal.

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Complete title of the article Provide also Running title – not more than 50 characters
Be short, accurate, and unambiguous giving your paper a distinct outlook
Begin with the subject of the study
Avoid excessive adjectives and noun strings
The abstract should contain the essence of the whole paper and should stand-alone. Be clear and concise and avoid unnecessary detail.
Word limits – 150 words
No abbreviation to be used in abstract
Non Structured abstract
Provide - Age and Gender of the Case
Key Words
Key Words – 3-5 words
Use Key Words from MeSH index - website
Introduce the case in short and highlight the importance of presenting it as a case report in the journal.
Case Report
Reason for reporting this case
The report should detail: what happened to the patient, the time course of events, why the particular management was chosen
Provide and discuss latest literatures about your case report.
Mention about limitation of the reporting, if any Valid written expressed consent from patient/s must be taken prior to involving any person in case note manuscript. The identity of the patient must not be revealed by text or figures. If the figure/picture tends to reveal the identity of the individual, it is the responsibility of the author to have explained so to the patient before submitting the manuscript.
Acknowledgement, References and Legends to be used as mentioned above. Not more than 25 references in Case Report.